The Enigmatic Past: A Deep Dive into the History of Weed in Witchcraft

The Enigmatic Past: A Deep Dive into the History of Weed in Witchcraft

A cloud of myth, fear, and fascination has shrouded witchcraft for centuries. However, one aspect that has sparked interest over the years is the relationship between witchcraft and the use of various substances, most notably, weed. Witchcraft has its roots in ancient folk practices that combined elements of spirituality, herbalism, and healing. Throughout this history, the use of psychoactive plants played a significant role in the crafting of potions, ointments, and rituals. One of these plants, cannabis, colloquially known as weed, has had an intriguing role in this magical history.


Prehistoric Times to Ancient Civilizations

The use of cannabis for both medicinal and mystical purposes dates back thousands of years. Archaeological evidence suggests that prehistoric societies were already using cannabis as early as 5000 BC in parts of Asia and Europe. The plant was cultivated for its fiber, seeds, and psychoactive properties, which were harnessed in various rituals and healing practices.

Ancient civilizations like the Scythians, a nomadic warrior culture in Central Asia, reportedly used cannabis in funerary rites. Herodotus, the Greek historian, wrote about the Scythians and their rituals that involved throwing hemp seeds onto hot stones to create intoxicating smoke. Similar practices also have been recorded in the rites of the ancient Thracians, closely related to the Scythians, who were known to have had shamans — a witch-like figure — in their society.

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Early Witchcraft and the ‘Witches’ Brew’

The use of cannabis in witchcraft became more prominent in the medieval period, especially in Europe. The concoction commonly known as the 'witches' brew' was, in fact, a potent blend of various psychoactive substances. These substances often included plants from the nightshade family, such as belladonna, henbane, mandrake, and sometimes, cannabis.

Women who were skilled in the use of herbs for medicine, midwifery, and spiritual practices would create these mixtures. The ingredients were typically boiled into a brew or mixed into an ointment. The resulting substance, when ingested or applied to the skin, would cause hallucinations and altered states of consciousness, a state that the practitioners believed allowed them to commune with the divine or spiritual entities.

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The Witch Trials and Cannabis

As Christianity spread throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, fear and suspicion around these practices grew, eventually leading to the infamous witch trials. The 'witches' brew' was demonized as a devil's concoction, and its use was considered heretical.

The Malleus Maleficarum, a manual for witch hunters written in 1486, indirectly refers to the use of psychoactive substances, including cannabis. It discusses how witches could "raise tempests" and "ride through the air" – believed now to refer to the mind-altering effects of their herbal concoctions. Despite the widespread persecution, the clandestine use of these substances, including cannabis, continued, safeguarding this mystical knowledge for future generations.

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Modern Witchcraft and the Revival of Weed

Modern witchcraft, often referred to as Wicca or neo-paganism, experienced a resurgence in the 20th century. Many modern practitioners have turned back to the roots of witchcraft, exploring the use of herbs in their practice. Cannabis has found its place in this revival, not only because of its psychoactive properties but also due to its healing qualities.

Some modern witches use cannabis in their rituals to aid in achieving a meditative state, facilitating a deeper connection with spiritual forces. Cannabis-infused oils and incense are common in many practices for anointing and smudging, respectively. Its use is also found in "green witchcraft," a branch focused on nature's magic and herbalism.

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The Legal Perspective

As the legal status of cannabis has evolved globally, with many countries decriminalizing or legalizing its use for medicinal or recreational purposes, its role in witchcraft has also seen a transformation. Witches who use cannabis in their rituals today can do so more openly. However, it’s important to remember that legality varies from place to place, and responsible, lawful use is a must.


The history of weed in witchcraft is one of utility, mysticism, and resilience. From prehistoric societies to modern witchcraft, cannabis has proven to be an enduring tool for those seeking to explore the realms beyond our everyday consciousness. This plant, vilified and revered in equal measures, continues to occupy a critical place in the annals of witchcraft, just as it does in our broader understanding of humanity's relationship with nature.

The true essence of witchcraft lies in its reverence for the Earth and its offerings. As the world continues to evolve, and as we deepen our understanding of plants like cannabis, perhaps we can learn from the past and recognize the profound connections we share with nature, and indeed, the magic that resides within it.

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