

Rough Crystals Stones

102 products

Showing 73 - 96 of 102 products

Showing 73 - 96 of 102 products
Rough Nugget - MoonstoneRough Nugget - Moonstone
Sale priceFrom $1.60
Rough Nugget - Moonstone
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Rough Nugget - NuummiteRough Nugget - Nuummite
Sale price$17.95
Rough Nugget - Nuummite
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Rough Nugget - Orange CalciteRough Nugget - Orange Calcite
Sale priceFrom $2.00
Rough Nugget - Orange Calcite
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Rough Nugget - Peacock OreRough Nugget - Peacock Ore
Sale priceFrom $1.25
Rough Nugget - Peacock Ore
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Rough Nugget - PyriteRough Nugget - Pyrite
Sale priceFrom $1.50
Rough Nugget - Pyrite
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Rough Nugget - Rainbow FluoriteRough Nugget - Rainbow Fluorite
Sale priceFrom $7.95
Rough Nugget - Rainbow Fluorite
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Rough Nugget - Rainbow MoonstoneRough Nugget - Rainbow Moonstone
Sale priceFrom $1.50
Rough Nugget - Rainbow Moonstone
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Rough Nugget - Red CalciteRough Nugget - Red Calcite
Sale priceFrom $1.25
Rough Nugget - Red Calcite
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Rough Nugget - Rose QuartzRough Nugget - Rose Quartz
Sale priceFrom $1.00
Rough Nugget - Rose Quartz
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Rough Nugget - SerpentineRough Nugget - Serpentine
Sale priceFrom $1.25
Rough Nugget - Serpentine
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Rough Nugget - Smokey QuartzRough Nugget - Smokey Quartz
Sale priceFrom $1.25
Rough Nugget - Smokey Quartz
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Rough Nugget - SunstoneRough Nugget - Sunstone
Sale priceFrom $1.00
Rough Nugget - Sunstone
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Rough Nugget - Tigers EyeRough Nugget - Tigers Eye
Sale priceFrom $4.25
Rough Nugget - Tigers Eye
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Rough Nugget - UnakiteRough Nugget - Unakite
Sale price$7.95
Rough Nugget - Unakite
Rough Nugget - White Ice CalciteRough Nugget - White Ice Calcite
Sale priceFrom $0.50
Rough Nugget - White Ice Calcite
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Rough Nugget - Yellow JasperRough Nugget - Yellow Jasper
Sale priceFrom $7.95
Rough Nugget - Yellow Jasper
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Rough Nugget - Zebra OnyxRough Nugget - Zebra Onyx
Sale price$27.95
Rough Nugget - Zebra Onyx
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Rough Pieces - Black TourmalineRough Pieces - Black Tourmaline
Sale priceFrom $0.75
Rough Pieces - Black Tourmaline
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Rough Slices - Canadian Jade NephriteRough Slices - Canadian Jade Nephrite
Sale priceFrom $7.45
Rough Slices - Canadian Jade Nephrite
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Sandstone SpecimensSandstone Specimens
Sale priceFrom $24.95
Sandstone Specimens
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Sapphire ChipsSapphire Chips
Sale price$9.95
Sapphire Chips

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