Natural abalone shells slices that have been tumbled and polished. The color of the shell is very variable from species to species, which may reflect the animal’s diet. The iridescent nacre that lines the inside of the shell varies in color from silvery-white, pink, red, blue, green, and purple.
Abalone has a relatively flat shell with a spiral-shaped top. When viewing abalone from above the respiratory pores run along the left side. Often times the mantle tissue covers the inside of the pores, giving them color inside.
Abalone are small-sized to very large edible sea snails. Folklore says that abalone is helpful for arthritis and other joint disorders, muscle problems, the heart, and digestion.
Stimulate the creativity of the mind and protects one from negativity from outside sources.
* You are purchasing a single tumbled stone hand picked by our family of Witchy spiritualists.