Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
Element: Water
Chakra: Heart
Powers: Peace, Chakra Balancing, Emotional Healing, Communication, Luck, Confidence.
Opal is silica which contains water. Because of its lack of clearly defined form, it is classified as a mineraloid. It forms under relatively low temperatures, usually in fissures of almost any type of rock. Precious opals display play-of-colour while common opal does not. Opals come in nearly any colour of the visual spectrum.
This beautiful pink stone varies between opaque and semi-transparent with some darker inclusions. Opal formed millions of years ago when silica and water flowed into the ground into cracks and open spaces. It gradually hardened and solidified. Opals are quite soft and sensitive to heat.
As a healing stone, opals are used to clear emotions and help balance chakras. This stone of hope is also said to bring good luck.
* You are purchasing a single stone hand picked by our family of Witchy spiritualists.
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