Energy: Projective
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Wealth, Beauty, Gambling, Protection, Healing
Magical Uses: Cat's-eye is a name applied to several different stones, usually a quartz containing olive-green asbestos. The ancient Asian cat's-eye, however, was a form of chrysoberyl. This stone, which exhibits a moving luminous opalescence, is a beauty aid. It is worn or carried to increase beauty and to preserve youthfulness. A beauty tincture can be made by filling a green glass jar with fresh spring water, adding a cat's-eye, and leaving this in the Sun for three to six hours. Afterward, remove the stone. Wash your face with the water every day until it's gone and wear the stone. Cat's-eye is also utilized in wealth and money spells. Possession of the stone guards the owner's wealth and will increase it as long as the stone is retained. It is often kept with money for this purpose. Not only does the stone prevent financial ruin, it will also restore wealth lost prior to ownership of the stone. Cat's-eye brings riches and is an excellent talisman for gamblers. Cat's-eye set in a silver ring can be worn for mental health, protection, insight and luck. The stone also dispels depression, gives pleasure, and should be worn during financial speculation. Because of its eyelike appearance, this stone is worn to help with diseases of the eyes. A cat's-eye money spell: Take a bill of the highest denomination you have. Rub it completely with the cat's-eye, then tightly wrap the bill around the stone. Tie the bill firmly to it with green thread and carry in your pocket to increase your money. Don't spend the bill until the spell has worked. The Assyrians believed the cat's-eye caused invisibility, probably because of the stone's dazzling appearance.
* You are purchasing a single tumbled stone hand picked by our family of Witchy spiritualists.