Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
This fascinating book provides a window into the folk magick world of the British Isles. Join author A.C. Fisher-Aldag as she explores the basics of magick and shares her deep knowledge of the magical properties of crystals, stones, herbs, and other magical tools. You will discover what it's like to work with nature spirits, fairies, deities, and energy beings and explore the power of simple rituals, divination, and even folkplays and magickal dances.
Folk magick can be practiced by anybody with common household objects. Whether you want to use magick out of curiosity or to enhance your own spiritual practice, this book is for anyone interested in learning about authentic magical folkloric traditions. With spells and rituals for health, love, home, happiness, protection, luck, money, and more, Common Magick is a perfect resource for creating a more enchanted life.
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