All the misters are made on-site at "The Bat Witch Cavern" with intent and infusion!
This general energy clearing mister is made with a special formulation of Sage Essential Oil, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Witch Hazel and distilled moon water. We then infuse the mister with genuine Hematite crystals included in the bottle and add a slight bit of water based colorant to make it extra pretty.
These are perfect for those times you need a good cleansing of your home and hearth and a great alterative to smudging. Just spray liberally around your house making sure to get all the nooks and crannies to eliminate any negative energies.
Witch Hazel Magick - Mending a broken heart, Protection, Divination, Love, Inspiration, Chasity, Healing, Cleansing, Calming
Sage Magick - Purification, Consecration, Improve memory.
Cedarwood Magick - Purification, Love, Money and Psychic Powers.
Lavender Magick - Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
Hematite Magick - Healing, Grounding, Divination
Recommended for external use only and not for ingestion or topical application.