Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
Folk Names: Anneys, Aniseseed, Yanisin, Sweet Cumin
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Purification, Youth
Magical Uses: Fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds and sleep on it. This will ensure that you have no nightmares. Use in protection and meditation incenses. Fresh anise leaves placed in a room will drive off evil, and they are sometimes placed around the magic circle to protect the magician from evil spirits. It also averts the evil eye. Anise seed is also used in purification baths, especially with bay leaves. It is used to call forth spirits to aid in magical operations, and a sprig hung on the bedpost will restore lost youth.
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