Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
Folk Names: Orvale, Toute-bonne, Clear eye, Muscatel sage, See bright, Horminium, Gallitricum.
Gender: Feminine
Elements: Water, Earth
Planets: Moon, Mercury
Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn
Deities: Diana, Juno, Luna
Chakras: Third Eye, Sacral
Powers: Psychic Powers, Confidence, Meditation, Clarity, Prophetic Dreams, Love/Sex Magick.
Magickal Uses:
Susun Weed's Clary Love Potion
Equal parts of dried lavender, bachelor’s buttons and clary sage
a pinch of valerian, a sassafras leaf.
Blend together and place in a small sachet and wear inside the clothing to attract a man.
Tea made from clary sage can be used both as a calming drink and an eyewash to remove irritations.
Use a sachet under your pillow to promote prophetic dreams and lessen nightmares.
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