Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
Folk Names: Aaron's Rod, Blue Mountain Tea, Goldruthe, Gonea Tea, Sweet Scented Goldenrod, Solidago, Verg d' Or, Wound Weed, Woundwort
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Powers: Money, Divination, Cleansing
Magical Uses: To see your future love, wear a piece of goldenrod. He or she will appear on the morrow.
When held in the hand, the flower nods in the direction of hidden or lost objects, or where buried treasure lies. If goldenrod springs up suddenly near the house door, unexpected good fortune will soon rain upon the family living there.
Goldenrod is also used in money spells.
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