Folk Names: Hyssop Herb, Isopo, Ysopo, Yssop
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Purification, Protection
Magical Uses: Hyssop is the most widely used purification herb in magic. It is added to baths in sachets, infused and sprinkled on objects or persons to cleanse them, and hung up in the home to purge it of evil and negativity.
Smoking: Hyssop has been regarded as a holy herb for centuries, mentioned in the Bible as an herb used to cleanse and purge. Hyssop is often combined with white horehound to deliver powerful, penetrating healing to lung tissues. Hyssop is also used to treat emphysema and purify the lungs because it is is said to be such a powerful expectorant. Not only does it say that hyssop clear all the gunk from your lungs, it also soothes irritated mucous membranes in the respiratory system. On top of lung and respiratory health, hyssop is said to be used to relieve anxiety and stimulate focus.