Folk Names: Paeony, Piney
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, Exorcism
Magical Uses: The peony has long been revered for its protective powers. Worn, it
guards the body, spirit, and soul; placed in the home it wards off evil spirits and planted in the garden it protects it against evil and storms. The seeds or roots are hung around a child's neck to guard it from mischievous fairies and imps. A variation of
this entails carving peony roots into small beads (called "piney beads") and then
stringing them. These are also worn for protection. Peony roots worn with coral
and flint keeps away the incubus.
Additionally, the peony is used in exorcisms and the root is carried to cure lunacy.
It should only be gathered at night, when its seeds are said to shine with an eerie
light. Its root is sometimes substituted for the mandrake.