Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deity: Pele
Powers: Protection, Strength, Energy, Healing, Happiness, Grounding
Magical/Ritual Lore: The volcano is an ancient symbol of creation. Erupting, it represents the four elements at work: Earth and Fire mix to create lava, which possesses liquidity (Water). Smoke (Air) rises from the crater. When the lava contacts water, it creates new land as it cools, and extends the landmass into the sea. In many parts of the world, such impressive attributes have enshrined lava with magical properties. Before the Europeans discovered Hawaii, lava rocks were used to build heaiu, which were centers of religious and magical activities. Heaiu (an s is not added to Hawaiian words to denote plurality) had different functions. Some were centers of healing, complete with herb gardens; others were devoted to fishing deities; and still others were the domain of the war god Kukailimoku, Kamehameha's famous patron deity. Contemporary Hawaiians who still practice the old ways go to healing heaiu and search for bluish lava rocks. They wrap a ki (ti) leaf around the rock and place this on the earth, asking for a healing. This practice is still extremely common, and if you visit a heaiu, especially one devoted to healing such as Keaiwa Heaiu on the hills above Honolulu, youl1 see leaf-wrapped lava rocks in abundance. Every day, packages containing lava rocks picked up by uncaring tourists are mailed back to the Visitor's Center in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. They are often accompanied by letters detailing the hardships their takers have experienced since removing the rocks. Pele, the ancient Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, destruction and creation, is jealous of Her stones. Just taking Her stones without first giving Her an offering (such as ohelo berries; ohia lehua blossoms; taro, or kalo, root; or, in the modern world, bottles ofgin) and then asking permission is still viewed as a sure invitation for metaphysical trouble.
Magical Uses: There are two types of lava known around the world by Hawaiian names. A'a, a chunky, rough lava, is considered to be projective, or masculine. Pahoe'hoe, or smooth lava, is receptive, or feminine. The a'a is the most potent in magical protection, but both work well. Because of their volcanic origin, I've listed both types as having projective energies. A small piece of lava placed on the altar or carried in the pocket is a potent protective amulet. For general household protection, ring a white candle with lava and burn for fifteen minutes each day. For protection during suspected psychic attack, bathe in salt water. Then, using nine or thirteen small pieces of lava, sit on the ground or floor facing East. Beginning in the East, place each stone a few feet from you to form a circle completely enclosing your body. Feel the lava's protective vibrations setting up sprays or fountains of glowing liquid lava that repels and sends consciously or unconsciously directed negativity back to its originator. Repeat as necessary.
* You are purchasing a single tumbled stone hand picked by our family of Witchy spiritualists.
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