Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
Each of our spell jars represent all of the five elements as well as three herbs and three crystals to represent the intention of the spell itself. Every jar is completed with a wax seal and features runes on the label for intent.
Earth - Every spell jar is started with a layer of black salt to represent the Earth element and add protection to the spell.
Spirit - Every spell jar has Palo Santo chips included to represent the Spirit element, but also to purify the other contents of the spell.
Air - Every spell jar has white feathers included to represent the Air element for the spell.
Water - Every spell jar has two mini sea shells to represent the Water element for the spell.
Fire - Every spell jar is completed with a wax seal to represent the Fire element and to keep the contents untouched for the duration of use.
Protection Spell Jar:
Black Tourmaline - To absorb negative energies from interfering with the spell caster.
Black Onyx - Protection against psychic attacks and hexes.
Shungite - Protection from electromagnetic radiation, psychic attacks as well as negative emotions such as; guilt, fear, shame.
Witch Hazel - Used to protect against negative emotions, hexes and diseases.
Anise Seeds - Used to ward off evil spirits, nightmares and the evil eye.
White Oak Bark - Protects against illness and general physical harm.
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