Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
A spirit or cactus quartz is a quartz crystal that is encrusted by a second generation of smaller crystals grown on its prism faces. Other terms used are pineapple quartz or celestial quartz. Different from candle quartz, the small crystals point away from the prism and their orientation is not related to the orientation of the central crystal. Interestingly, the faces of the first generation crystal tips usually remain free of these secondary crystals.
As a healing crystal, due to the multitude of tiny crystals it helps harmonize the aura, chakras, meridians and physical body.
Powers: Purification, Protection, Transformation, Divination, Astral Travel, Wisdom, Peace, Healing, Meditation.
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