Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
The most eagerly anticipated tarot kit of the year! In 1995, David Bowie and Davide De Angelis began collaborating on a highly innovative and visually spectacular tarot deck. Bowie himself helped design the look and iconographic elements of the cards, providing notes and revisions before his untimely death. Expertly woven into their work are a myriad of references to Bowie's artistic career, intricate sacred geometries, alchemy, magic, and the sacred teachings of the world's mystery traditions. This deck is a must-have for collectors and a perfect reading deck designed to help you connect with spirit or energize a creative project.
Boxed kit (5.25 x 8) includes a 78-card deck (3 x 5.25) and a 192-page color guidebook.
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