Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
This beautifully detailed coin features Yes and No sides. The answers are bordered by intricate imagery including all seeing eyes, moon and sun on the yes side and a winged skull on the no side
This large coin measures 4cm in diameter.
All jokes aside, the quick coin toss for making the yes/no and either/or decision has been around for eons. From a psychic perspective, a decision made from the heads or tails result of flipping a penny can provide instant access to your intuition. Ask your question, flip your coin, and get your answer is all well and good, but how you instantly 'feel' about that result is your intuition kicking in.
You can elaborate on divination using coins by using three or five coins instead of one. For instance if you chose heads for your yes answer:
(Toss one coin)
- 1 Coin Heads = Simple Yes
- 1 Coin Tails = Simple No
(Toss three coins)
- 3 Heads = Strong Yes
- 2 Heads + 1 Tails = OK Yes
- 1 Heads + 2 Tails = Maybe Not
- 3 Tails = Strong No
(Toss five coins)
- 5 Heads = Absolutely Yes!
- 4 Heads + 1 Tails = Strong Yes
- 3 Heads + 2 Tails = Cautious Yes
- 2 Heads + 3 Tails = Cautious No
- 1 Heads + 4 Tails = Strong No
- 5 Tails = Absolutely Not!
You can make your practice more sacred by finding a special coin that you bless and keep exclusively for the purpose of divination using coins.
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