Folk Names: Fayruz (Arabic, "Lucky Stone"), Turkey Stone, Turkish Stone, Thyites (ancient Greek), Venus Stone, Horseman's Talisman
Energy: Receptive
Planets: Venus, Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Hathor, Buddha, The Great Spirit (American Indian)
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Protection, Courage, Money, Love, Friendship, Healing, Luck
Magical/Ritual Lore: Turquoise is a sacred stone to many American Indian tribes. The Navajo used ground turquoise and coral in creating sand paintings to bring rain to the parched land. Other native inhabitants of the Southwestern United States and Mexico placed turquoise in tombs to guard the dead. The Pueblos laid turquoise under the floor in offering to the deities, when a house, or kiva, was built. A piece of turquoise was a nearly required tool in the Apache shaman's medicine, or power, bag. Other American peoples attached turquoise to bows to ensure accurate shots. Besides these and many more uses, turquoise has been prized for its beautiful color and potent magical properties.
Magical Uses: It is a protective stone. Turquoise carvings of horses and sheep are kept by the Navajo as potent guardians against negative magic. A turquoise ring is worn to guard against the evil eye, disease, serpents, poison, violence and accidents, and any and all dangers. Worn, it promotes courage. Horse riders wear turquoise to protect themselves from falls. For this purpose it is mounted in gold. They attach a second small piece onto the bridle or saddle to give protection to the horse. It is a valuable amulet for travelers, especially when venturing into politically volatile or dangerous places. An old ritual utilized turquoise to gain wealth. Perform this rite a few days after the New Moon when the crescent is first visible in the sky. Avoid looking at the Moon until the proper time. Hold a turquoise in your hand. Visualize your magical need-money-manifesting in your life. Move outside and look at the Moon. Then directly shift your gaze to the turquoise. The magic has begun. Carry the stone with you until the money arrives. Turquoise is also worn or used in money-attracting spells, such as placing circles or necklaces of turquoise around green candles and visualizing wealth. Given as a gift, it bestows wealth and happiness upon its receiver. The stone is also utilized in love magic; turquoise is worn, carried or given to a loved one. It is frequently used to promote marital harmony, ensuring that the two persons involved blend with each other. Some sources say that if love fades in the stone's recipient, the stone's color will fade as well. Wear turquoise to attract new friends, to be joyous and even tempered and to increase beauty. It is also a healing stone. It strengthens the eyes, alleviates fevers and reduces headaches. When turquoise is pressed against the diseased or troubled part of the body, the illness is visualized as entering the stone. Water into which turquoise has been dipped is drunk for its healing energies. Turquoise rings and pendants are worn to promote and to protect the health; blue candles surrounded with turquoise are visualized as speeding the healing process. The stone is said to prevent migraines when worn. Like all blue stones, the turquoise is lucky and is carried to attract good fortune.
* You are purchasing a single tumbled stone hand picked by our family of Witchy spiritualists.