Highly recommended. The seller even provides a great guide on your receipt to ensure you know which stone is which. That little detail did not go unnoticed!
This inspiring volcanic stone 3 moon Goddess has an antique gold and purple finish for added appeal. The cup-like area can hold your favorite tumbled stones, small trinkets or anything that evokes calm and peace. It will make the perfect addition to any room or garden.
SYMBOL: The power of the goddess lies in her inner knowledge of nature, her acceptance of who she really is and her capacity to work with the phases of the moon in tune with the rhytm of life.
SYMBOL: The Moon Goddess grants our wishes and guides our dreams. She possesses the ultimate creative power and oversees the life, death and rebirth cycle. The Moon Goddess bestows fertility, independence, courage, strength, confidence, intuition and aids one to become fully developed. She is the symbol of female power and clarity.
SYMBOL: The triple moon symbolizes the cycles of our life. Trough several cycles, we acquire the true knowledge. Associated with dreams and the bearing of new projects or children. The pentacle is a symbol of protection. Long ago, it was considered by Pythagoreans as a symbol of beauty and harmony.
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